8. Accounts of the Reverend John Crakanthorp of Fowlmere, 1682-1710. Edited by Paul Brassley, Anthony Lambert and Philip Saunders.

A prime source for agricultural and social history, providing insight into farming activities and household expenditure.
Three small notebooks of accounts survive of the Reverend John Crakanthorp, Rector of Fowlmere 1667-1719. In two of these are recorded his harvests of 1682-92 and in the third, his income and expenditure for the years 1705-10. Each of the books was kept in meticulous detail and they are a valuable historical source for local corn prices, marketing, yields, the operation of the open fields and farming practices which are a contribution to national economic and agricultural history.
They also shed much light on the daily life of a south Cambridgeshire village and its region, as well as on the life of John Crakanthorp himself. Besides his farm, we learn of his charitable donations, his clothes, food, drink, medicines and much else.
All three account books are here published in full for the first time. In an extensive introduction Paul Brassley assesses the value of the accounts, and uses other unpublished records to provide background information on the agriculture, open fields and inhabitants of Fowlmere and the Reverend John Crakanthorp himself.
ISBN: 0 904323 08 0 ; 978 0 904323 08 5
Published: 1988
Price: £ 8.50
Introduction Transcribed text Glossary Index of persons and places, Index of subjects 293 pp. Softback
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Brassley, Paul
Paul Brassley is an agricultural economist. His research interests and publications are in agricultural history and economics and and also non-farm rural economics from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. He was a contributor to The Agrarian History of England and Wales volumes V and VII, and has served for many years on the executive of the Agricutural History Society.
Saunders, Philip
Philip Saunders was Principal Archivist of the Cambridgeshire Archives Service. He was also a General Editor for the Cambridgeshire Records Society.