23. Jonas Moore's Mapp of the Great Levell of the Fenns 1658. Facsimile and digital images including 1684 and 1706 edition, accompanying text by Frances Willmoth and Elizabeth Stazicker

Reprint of this famous 16-sheet map from the one surviving copy that includes arms of the promoters of fen drainage.
ISBN: 978 0 904323 25 2
Published: 2016
Price: £ 36.00
Booklet (120 pages with colour illustrations and colour coats of arms) ; facsimile map on 16 sheets plus 1 index sheet ; 1 computer disc (4 3/4 in, files in PDF format).
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Willmoth, Frances
Dr Frances Willmoth was Archivist at Jesus College, Cambridge and was affiliated to the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge. A large part of her academic life was involved with the careers of John Flamsteed (1646-1719), the first Astronomer Royal, and his patron Sir Jonas Moore (1618-1679.)
Stazicker, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Stazicker is Archivist at Ely Cathedral & The King’s School and a former Cambridgeshire County Archivist.